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Booking Forms for Exhibitors

Engage 50+ Festival Information Day:

The A to Z Guide to the Second Half of Life

Saturday 29th September 2018

Any additional information to help your day go smoothly will be sent to you after we receive your booking form and payment.


The Engage Festival is back by popular demand and will start as last year with an Information Day: The A-Z Guide to the Second Half of Life which previous exhibitors will recall went with quite a buzz in 2017.


We’ve listened carefully to your feedback from the 2017 event both to the overwhelmingly positive comments but also to some constructive criticism to enable us to improve anything that needed improving!


  • The Information Day will be held this year at a fabulous new venue - Stratford College, The Willows North, Alcester Road (off the Morrisons roundabout), Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 9QR on Saturday 29th September from 8am-4m (exhibitors) and 10am-4pm (public). Based on current bookings, we are anticipating an even larger number of exhibitors than last year when we attracted 72 stallholders. New venue is more spacious, airy and light and we know you'll all be delighted when you see it! Parking is easy - and free! - there are two lovely cafés and this year we'll also be running two shuttle buses to pick up those who prefer not to walk or use their cars. Shuttle bus stops will be posted in approximately two weeks and of course published in the local press.


  • If you’d like to take a stand again which we hope you will or are planning to join us for the first time, please go to the Booking Form page on our website (details below), and complete the appropriate booking form. Please note that if you are viewing the forms on a small screen (tablet or smart phone or some laptops), you may see only two or so questions above the Submit button. There are more (14 on the main Stand Booking Form) – but all quick and easy to enable us to offer you the best possible position for your organisation’s stand. So please scroll down and answer all questions before submitting the form.


  • Most stands are 6ft x 2’6” and a cover is provided but of course you can use your own should you wish.

  • The charge is £10 per stand for voluntary/community groups and charities and £50 for commercial companies. We have limited space for the latter so please apply without delay. You will receive an invoice after the submission of your form and confirmation of your successful application will be sent after receipt of payment.

  • Please submit your booking form by Friday August 24th to enable us to complete the stand floor plan and Festival booklet in good time. Thank you.


If your organisation would be interested in giving a talk, or holding a workshop or demonstration of your activities on the Information Day, please let us know. It’s a day for all those organisations who are looking for volunteers and/or members or simply wish to make the work they do better known and appreciated. The Information Day will be followed by a week of other events as last year so we’d be interested to hear from you with any ideas and offers to host such an event – all of course aimed at those in the second half of life (50 to 100+) so your organisation’s remit should fulfil this criterion.

For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re always happy to have a chat.

We look forward to the pleasure of your company at another outstanding and fruitful Engage 50+ Festival!




Phone:              01789 268701 (Sophie) – any time!                 

                         07905553188 (Lucia)  - from 9am to 5pm

                         07884317536 (Phil)    – from 9am to 5pm

Here's some information which exhibitors might find useful.

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